The Office of Sexual/Gender-Based Violence Prevention and Education

Coordinated Community Response Team (CCRT)

The Holy Family University Coordinated Community Response Team is a group of community partners who will work as educators who are committed to the overall purpose of the grant program. Furthermore, the CCRT are committed to create a community free of violence.  This will be done through advocacy, outreach, response and prevention. 

Our goal is to ensure that ALL members of our community have awareness of, and access to, trauma informed, culturally sensitive services that are both effective and responsive to each individual’s unique needs. The CCRT Core Team travels to OVW's Technical Training Institutes (TTIs) and share vital feedback with the larger group. 

CCRT Activities

  • Hold regular monthly meetings with working group co-chairs and CCRT core members (those that travel to TTIs), to discuss working group projects, troubleshoot and info-share.
  • Regularly assess (both formally with a survey and informally in quarterly check-ins) the success and functionality of the CCRT and its working groups. o
  • Work with co-chairs to ensure all relevant community and campus partners are being contracted into the work.
  • Meet annually with university leadership to share grant goals and garner high-level support for grant actions.

CCRT Members

  • Kate Coffey – Director of Campus Advocacy, Violence Prevention and Education (Project Director)
  • Marianne Price – Dean of Students/Title IX Coordinator
  • La’Riese Eldridge – Associate Dean of Students
  • Glenn Gates – Public Safety
  • Jeffery Seaman – Philadelphia Police Department LT.
  • Jaime Pfister – NOVA Representative
  • Troy Young – Director of Residence Life
  • Trever Fike – Director of Campus Life
  • Jennifer Luling – Associate VP for Human Resources
  • Sylvia McGeary – Chief of Staff
  • Anne Spencer – Counseling Center
  • Jill Swirsky – Faculty Member
  • Shaq McCoy – Student Engagement Coordinator
  • Joe Green – Residence Coordinator
  • Louis Cimino – Admin for Student Life
  • Mike McNulty – Director of Retention
  • Patricia Griffin – Faculty

Tigers that ROAR

Become involved with Tigers that ROAR.  Tigers that ROAR is a campus campaign focused on engaging the community in the conversation around sexual violence.

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